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IMPROVISATION/Melody of the empty space
Tal Avni
Melody of the Empty spaces is a game.
we will learn to play with these abstracts of time and space, and make them substantial.
we must first reach inside and reload our intuition, Ground ourselves and connect to our Source.
Then we follow the sounds and rhythms of the empty spaces around and create an interesting,
intimate and fun relation-ship.
After we have this understanding of movement we can go ahead and add to it some
touch, weight ,lifting and flying…
The space moves us and we move the space.
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Ksenia Opria
I am interested to bring the body and its physicality first, layer by layer, through the skin to fascia, fascia to muscle, muscle to bone, bone to dance, dance into a meeting with another person. Patterns activated inside through solo hopefully will help us to move in duets and trios. My aim is not to introduce a bunch of exercises, but to find a pathway into a dance.
About the hug itself – we will approach it “not-personally”, you can think about a squeeze, squeeze with big ears, that can listen openly and a sphere that brings 360° support, like a continuous roll with the huge bear, that suddenly becomes endless like a planet and just rocks forever.
One more thing – it works only if it doesn’t.
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PARTNERING/Shared levitation
Marion Sparber i Alan Fuentes
We start the class by opening our channels of awareness and connect to our partner by manipulating, testing and speculating with his/her structure and weight. A special focus in this phase is the use of our whole body doing the task, not only being limited to our hands and arms. In this first part the use of play-fullness allows us to connect to our instinctive and primitive side, tuning into a shared natural flow of breath. With the help of exercises in different constellations, every time changing and adapting to a new partner and universe – we listen, follow and direct the movement as one functioning organism through space. We get ready to jump, cross, push, pull, avoid, embrace and suspend each other. We like to focus on an organic way of Partnering, based on action/reaction principles inspired by Contact Improvisation and Fighting styles. We like to access the movement from a perspective of a deeper connection and try to avoid the superficial habit of copying shapes. Instead we motivate every couple to find a unique way of communicating with the partner and look for individual solutions and variations of the material. Another important aspect of our class is the constant change of the level of activity for both roles. We learn how much resistance, power and direction is needed to reach our maximum together by investigating with the given tools, and finally learning fixed Partnering material at the end of each class.
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Shai Dayan
Be aware of our true nature is our highest goal.Since ancient times sound and voice have been used for this purpose.At present this knowledge is introduced anew. The voice is usually regarded as a tool for self expression.. A good question would be ,what do we mean by ‘self’? There are varied dimensionsto the idea of self. From the personal self, to the universal self. Study of the personal self will lead us to the knowledge of our personality. Study of the universal self may lead us to knowledge of the universe.The voice is primarily made up of two elements, breath and sound. Breath is universal, it is the very life. Sound is unique, and so, particular. The voice is a way for life to express itself in a unique way. There are three aspects to this work;
One aspect, deals with the more technical dimension of the Voice; Breath as a carrier of energy and sound, The profound connection Between breath and voice, The flow and resonance of the voice In deferent parts of the body , Paying attention to the sensations That the voice is awakening in the body and mind. What is outer and inner voice. The study of our personal vocal range and the physical and energetic aspects of it. In what way do we influence and being influenced by our voice and other voices around us. What is a total listening, how does our body absorbs and carries sound. Whattapes of listeningisthere.
The second aspect, deals with the information that is being Carried within our individual voice. How a voice turns in to singing, A word, a language. How a sound turns in to a melody. What composes the sounds, carries them bounces them in to a melody. Where this flow is happening, How do we tap in to it. How do we stop from interfering with its natural movement.
The third aspect is more abstract; we let the questions go, And we pay attention to the breath, to our body, to the presence Which experiences our voice, which is looking through the eyes, Through all our conditioning. without interfering, without having an opinion Or judgment. Experiencing things as they are, pure and simple.
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BODY AWERNESS BASED ON BMC/Axis of the body -Awarness of the spine
Iwona Olszowska
We will work with the Body Mind Centering method which means an experimental anatomy, coming through information and somatization to embodiment.
Our sensory observation will focus mostly on the spine – from its embryonic state to all stages of development, as well as its functions and relevance within the body.
We will examine the spine considering:
– somatization of the notochord
– skeletal system of the spine
– spinal ligaments
– spine support through digestive tract and endocrine glands
– cerebrospinal fluid and vertebral canal
– the spine and its extension into the articulation of lower and upper limbs, head, chest and pelvis
– the spine as the centre of attention
– connection between spine and senses
– spine-related movement patterns.
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STRING OF THE BODY – Martial Partnering
Jakub Gontarski i Aga Rybak
During our Martial Partnering workshop, we will focus on intense physical contact and its martial character. We will engage in an in-depth process of interrelationships between body centers including the spine, pelvis, the shoulder girdle, breathing and the senses. We will search for the natural principles that underpin our motor skills, kinetics, statics, dynamics, and balance in states of non-equilibrium, as well as expanding the frequency of our alertness, mindfulness and presence. It will be a conscious confrontation with one another, the group, our limitations, decision-making ability, responsibility, sense of security, and mind and body patterns. By doing work that involves our own body weight, we will strengthen the structure of our bodies. While working with one or more partners, we will use: jumping, catching, lifting, rolling, tripping, falling, hooking, pushing and pulling. We will be provoking bodily dialogue in order to awaken in us instinctiveness, intelligence and cunning. Our focus will be on directing intentions, making decisions, redirecting forces (their trajectories) and on the potential of centrifugal force. The obstacles and difficulties that we encounter help us understand the basic functions and mechanisms of the brain and reactive body, and good psychophysical condition makes it easier for us to communicate in a diverse world.
Jakub Gontarski and Agnieszka Rybak
The workshop is aimed at all those with a passion for physical movement who want to discover new tools for psychophysical development. Please wear a sports outfit: long bottoms and a long-sleeved top. Each day starts with a 30-minute warm-up. All sessions will be held in Polish and English.
More information:
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Tal Avni
Where is my clown?
An open class about smiling .
You don’t have to be funny, you do have to be a little brave.
A clown is all about the heart.
We will play some fun games and laugh together.
„I am alive, may I be a witness?
I find myself in the other and then i can remove judgment and be Free”
Floor work
Alan Fuentes
Espacio Continuo makes a reference to the idea that we live in a world of constant change. Therefore we, as dancers, should be aware of this fact and allow our perception to be open and ready. Our attention needs to be sharp and we must be prepared to accept the change and go with it. I like teaching Contemporary dance technique with an emphasis on floor work; with the purpose of applying the sensations harvested from the floor into a vertical standing position. Activeness and strong physicality are important to me, so I keep an alert-open-sensitive state during the entire class. We start the session by warming up our whole body as well as our mental attention towards it. The beginning of the class is focused on amplifying the range of motion of all the articulations in the body from smaller to bigger, mixed with a playful way of working on strength and flexibility. The next step in the development of the class is in acknowledging and directing the breath, which should be connected to the movement of the body itself. In this way, we create a continuous flow that is intended to stay along the class. Improvisation, partnering, space awareness, attention of our body and attention to others are mandatory elements to every performer, so I make specific emphasis on developing these skills as part of the training. All in the end, Espacio Continuo is intended for the dancer to develop helpful tools in the path of self expression.
Gaga Dance/People
Natalia Iwaniec
Gaga is a method of bodywork invented by Ohad Naharin, the artistic director and choreographer of Batsheva Dance Company based in Tel Aviv, Israel. As a useful practice not only for dancers, but for anyone interested in movement, Gaga is a mindful work based on instinctive motion of the whole body structure. Thanks to this method, the body becomes more flexible and pliant.
Gaga workshop is focused on improvisation, engaging our imagination and creativity. Teacher moves with the participants throughout the whole class, inspiring them and making it possible to meet at the same point of movement work.
Gaga has been one of the most influential methods of bodywork in Israel. Not only a daily training for Tel Aviv based Batsheva Dance Company dancers, but also a starting point for Ohad in his choreography creation – Gaga is constantly evolving, thanks to efforts of Ohad and all other Gaga teachers around the world.
Gaga has two variants: Gaga/people and Gaga/dancers. The latter is typically aimed at dance school students and professional dancers, while Gaga/people may be practiced by anyone.
Apart from Gaga lessons, Natalia will also lead classes on choreography and improvisation.
Taniec współczesny
Marion Sparber
I teach Contemporary dance training with emphasis on floor work.
We start the class by opening our channels of awarness. The warm-up is focused on passing through the whole body and expanding our flexibility and strength. We use theplayfullness in our movement to connect to the natural flow of breath. With the help of exercises in different constellations – in a group, with a partner and alone – we listen to the weight of our body and direct it through space. An important aspect of the training is the attention to the momentum in movement and on integrating changes of dynamic and musicality in short movement phrases. As techniques of inspiration for my class I use a lot the principles of Flying Low technique by David Zambrano as well as release technique mixed with my personal investigation. I like to establish a collective mind and body inside the class to enhance the group power giving an energetic push to the individual source of creativity.
Shai Dayan
Be aware of our true nature is our highest goal.Since ancient times sound and voice have been used for this purpose.At present this knowledge is introduced anew. The voice is usually regarded as a tool for self expression.. A good question would be ,what do we mean by ‘self’? There are varied dimensionsto the idea of self. From the personal self, to the universal self. Study of the personal self will lead us to the knowledge of our personality. Study of the universal self may lead us to knowledge of the universe.The voice is primarily made up of two elements, breath and sound. Breath is universal, it is the very life. Sound is unique, and so, particular. The voice is a way for life to express itself in a unique way.
Contact Improvisation
Aga Rybak i Dorota Kamecka
Contact Improvisation provides conditions and possibilities for being in the flow. It is based on freeing one’s mind from results and practicing mindfulness – focused on one’s self and one’s partner during the contact between those two. Everything occurs in one moment and then dissolves in it. Communication is flowing, energy is exchanged and this way it creates a new quality, a potential for the next movement, next creation, next meeting.To experience the flow, we will work with: body awareness, organic movement and anatomy in motion – all this deepens the connection with one’s self and the surrounding world improvisation which spontaneously brings out the potential of movement, and in consequence activates creativity.
Fall In Dance
Iwona Olszowska
During this workshop we will follow in the footsteps of one of the forerunners of improvisedmodern dance. The freedom of dance in scores based on Isadora’s ideas opening space for various new trends in modern dance.
The anatomy of awareness
AWARENESS. I am interested in awareness. If I am aware, I have a choice. I begin by my body because it is always with me.
NATURALNESS. The body’s fragility and ethereality on one hand, and its strength and unpredictability on the other. I work my body to make it efficient enough to communicate, listen, live long and happy life.
DANCE. It is a multi-layered tool of progress, recognition and exploration of the self and of the world. A medium for communicating with the world on a deeper, non-verbal level. A means of transforming anything I come across, anything that moves me, into beauty and essential values. Through dance, movement, voice, creation – I wish to become whole and self-aware, and use my self-awareness to the fullest.
HUMAN. Fascinating combination of intellect, physicality and spirit. I am curious about multi-dimensional nature of human life: body, breath, mind, spirituality. All these elements are equal in my work; all are developed simultaneously and evenly whenever it is possible.
EVERYTHING. In short, I want it all and I am interested in everything. And maybe some individual style will one day emerge from this “everything” – however, I am not interested in creating any specific style, it is too limiting.
TEACHER. Anna Haracz – dancer, choreographer, originator of the KINO VARIATINO Theatre, yoga and meditation teacher.
www.kinovariatino.pl, www.anahajoga.pl
Wieczorne relaksacje/BODY BALANCE
Barbara Gwóźdź
For a long time in our program there are morning warm ups which prepare you for a full day of working with the body, but we noticed that during intense activities sometimes there is no space for stretching and relaxation. Now there willbe a chance.
We invite you for un hour long class, based on yoga, with elements of pilates, breathing exercises and qi gong, allow you to relax your head and stretch the body.
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