Price List 2016

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Season ticket for the WHOLE FESTIVAL
(including the accompanying events):
if you pay the full amount by 25th March = 475 PLN
 after this date = 525 PLN

Season ticket for the WHOLE FESTIVAL including
(including the accompanying events):
if you pay the full amount by 25th March = 600 PLN
 after this date = 700 PLN

Season ticket for all OPEN CLASSES (including the accompanying events):

if you pay the full amount by 25th March = 380  PLN
after this date = 430 PLN


if you pay the full amount by 25th March = 280 PLN
 after this date = 330 PLN

if you pay the full amount by 25th March = 350 PLN
 after this date = 380 PLN

A single open class: 30 PLN

The accompanying events:

For season tickets owners: free entry during the whole festival
For people participating in single creative paths or open classes: entry fee of 10 PLN for each evening
For non participants: 20 PLN for each evening
The 5 RYTHMS evening – 30 PLN

If you want to pay the lower price, please pay the full amount by 25th March!
If you want to book a place you need to pay an advance payment of 50% for the chosen option by 15th March.The remaining amount has to be paid when you are registering at the festival.
To participate in the festival you need to know and accept its Rules and Regulations.

Bank accountdetails:

Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Twórczych Momentum
ul.Małachowskiego 4/2
50-084 Wrocław
Bank Millenium 
27 1160 2202 0000 0001 7120 7743
Payment title: „Cyrkulacje 2015″ + name and surname of the participant+ the chosen option

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Further information and bookings:

Dorota Kamecka,, tel. 726 515 498
Aga Rybak,, tel.  530 716 044

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© 2016 • Wojciech Kozłowski •
