Idea 2018 EN

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IX CYRKULACJE – Wroclaw Dance Festiwal
28.04 – 2.05. 2018 r.
Grotowski Institute/Studio na Grobli 
ul. Na grobli 30/32, Wrocław

CYRKULACJE it is a dance and movement festival which takes place in Wrocław, since its inauguration in 2010 it has grown from a small function to an important national event which, with its unique
 character and open formula, attracts both amateurs and professionals from the dance and performing art fields. Now it is one of the most recognized and respected Polish dance festivals. CYRKULACJE is a 5 day festival which consists of several different types of workshops. flagship classes, called creative pathways are oriented to work in a process, which may or may not finish with a final show – top Polish teachers and foreign guests are invited to lead the paths. In addition to the mainstream, the festival offers evening laboratories and morning warming up activities, which are open to all interested, not just festival participants. These classes give young artists and beginner teachers a chance to present themselves to a broader audience and create even more space for creative exploration for the participants. Each evening of the festival features performances, shows and concerts.. The festival’s main events are the evening dance jams, where participants express their spontaneity, passion and skills. These jams are often accompanied with live music created by local Wroclaw musicians. Thanks to the support and kindness of the Grotowski Institute, the festival takes place in the beautiful studio „Na Grobli”, situated on the river, which offers unique working conditions in one common space, giving the chance to create a truly friendly and relaxed atmosphere for which the festival is well known and appreciated.



Marion Sparber & Alan Fuentes – Partnering/Shared Levitation

Agnieszka Rybak & Jakub Gontarski – The String of the Body ®/Martial Partnering

Tal Avni – Improvisation/Melody of the empty space

Shai Dayan – Voice Being

Iwona Olszowska – Body awareness based on Body Mind Centering®/The axis-awareness of the spine

Ksenia Opria – Contact Improvisation/Inside the hug


Gaga dance/Gaga People – Natalia Iwaniec

Modern Dance Techniques – Marion Sparber

Contact Improvisation – Agnieszka Rybak & Dorota Kamecka

Fall in Dance with Isadora Duncan – Iwona Olszowska

Voice Being – Shai Dayan

Floorwork- Alan Fuentes

Clowning – Tal Avni


The Anatomy of Consciousness – Anna Haracz



Body Balance – Barbara Gwóźdź

A method combining yoga, Qigong, Pilates and relaxation into one workshop whose aim is to stretch and tone the

muscles after intense workout, strengthen particular body parts, regenerate energy and provide overall ease.





Come and join us!

If you want to pay the lower price, please pay the full amount by 20th March!

If you want to book a place you need to pay an advance payment of 50% for the chosen option by 1 of April .The rest of the price has to be paid when you are registering at the festival.

To participate in the festival you need to know and accept its Rules and Regulations.

Bank account details:
Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Twórczych Momentum
ul.Małachowskiego 4/2, 50-084 Wrocław

Bank Millenium
27 1160 2202 0000 0001 7120 7743
Payment title: „Cyrkulacje 2018″ + name and surname of the participant+ the chosen option

Further information and bookings:
Jakub Gontarski,, tel. 791 561 909
Aga Rybak,, tel.  530 716 044

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