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FESTIWAL CYRKULACJE, with this year’s motto „DEEPER,” invites you to join us on our journey into our bodies. Hear, feel, touch… Less, in order to gain more. Just come and dance!
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„We must learn to see more, to hear more, to feel more. Our task is not to find the maximum amount of content in a work of art, much less to squeeze more content out of the work than is already there. Our task is to cut back content so that we can see the thing at all.”*
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Festiwal Cyrkulacje DEEPER!
We invite you to join us in various activities and collective exploration, to broaden your horizons and deepen your perception. Among this year’s creative paths and open classes you can find new inspirations as well as fresh perspectives on what’s already present in you.
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This year we offer:
Physical Theatre with Vivian Wood (DV8)
Choreography and Dramaturgy with Sławek Bendrat and Dominik Krawiecki (PINK MAMA THEATRE)
Improvisation with Anna Piotrowska
Voice with Ditte Berkeley
BMC® (focused on senses) with Iwona Olszowska
Contact Improvisation with Eckhard Mueller and Daniela Schwarz
Gaga with Natalia Iwaniec
Dance technique with Sławek Bendrat
Fall in Dance with Iwona Olszowska
Contemporary Dance with Magdalena Górnicka
In this versatile and multifaceted programme, everyone can find their own ”depth.” We would like to invite you to explore your needs in movement in a brave and unrestrained manner. Apart from five days of exciting classes, we are also organizing, as we usually do, performances, jams, Five Rhythms Jam „Wave”, laboratories and morning warm-up.
Come to Studio na Grobli in Wrocław 27.04-1.05.2016
More details na fanpage
Registration starts on 15th February: cyrkulacje.zapisy@gmail.com
Circulating Team
Aga, Baśka, Dorota, Kuba
* Susan Sontag „Against Interpretation and Other Essays” (1966)
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© 2016 • Wojciech Kozłowski • www.wojciechkozlowski.pl